Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 in total

Youth action for climate justice

In September 2024 the European Union - Council of Europe Youth Partnership organised a symposium on Young people, democracy and climate action to discuss how young peo...

Advocacy for youth work in Eastern and South-East Europe

In October 2024 the EU-Council of Europe organised the Seminar on Advocating for youth work in Eastern and South-East Europe (Skopje, North Macedonia). The seminar hig...

Training participatory youth policy

In this episode, we are introducing the Youth Partnership's new training kit (T-kit) on participatory youth policy - what is it for, what's inside and how it can be us...

How to be more sustainable in mobility projects?

Sustain-Mobility was the fourth conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) in the youth field that took place near Munich at the end of March 2023...

Growing youth work in Europe: before the symposium

On 31 May-1 June 2023, the Youth Partnership's symposium “Visible Value: Growing youth work in Europe” will gather over 100 participants in the European Youth Centre B...

Young women's political participation

As we celebrate International Women's Day, we know that young women's participation in political life remains a challenge.  How are young women engaging with political...

Access to youth services during Covid-19

In this episode, we discuss the impact of Covid-19 on youth services.

Visible Value

In this episode, we are discussing the content and outcomes of the seminar "Visible Value – strengthening the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Easte...

Media and information literacy

Why is media and information literacy important for young people?

Value-based learning in mobility projects

In this episode, we are reflecting on value-based learning in mobility projects, following the publication of the new T-kit.

Young European Ambassadors

In this episode, we are talking about the Young European Ambassadors initiative.

The state of youth civil society

In this episode, we are discussing the state of youth civil society in Europe and globally.

After Navigating Transitions

In this episode, we are reflecting on the Navigating Transitions symposium that took place in Tirana on 21-23 June 2022.

Transitions and the war in Ukraine

How did the war in Ukraine affect the lives of youth workers? How did it impact young people's transitions? Listen to the next episode in solidarity with Ukraine

Types of learning mobility

In this episode we are exploring the experiences of learning mobility during and post pandemic, and different types of learning mobility - hybrid, online and blended.

Young People Revitalising Democracy

In this episode, we talk about local and international initiatives in the Council of Europe's Democracy Here, Democracy Now campaign.

Youth Action Week

In this podcast, we talk about the Council of Europe's youth campaign "Democracy Here, Democracy Now" and its flagship event the Youth Action Week.

Defining youth transitions

In this episode, we talk about youth transitions to autonomy.

Restarting youth learning mobility – quality tools in practice

In this episode we are exploring the experiences of learning mobility during and post pandemic, quality tools and the current needs of all actors.

Youth work and the war in Ukraine

This is the second episode on solidarity with Ukrainian young people. This time we explore the youth work reality both in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries that r...

Making the value of youth work visible

Get to know the Visible Value library of resources on recognition of youth work of the Youth Partnership.

Meet the EU Youth Coordinator

Meet Biliana Sirakova, the newly appointed EU Youth Coordinator.

Improving youth participation in Europe

Participation in democratic societies goes beyond elections and voting. What are the other tools that help young people be more actively involved, and how can they use...

Young people and the war in Ukraine: stories from Lviv and Moldova

In this special episode on Ukraine, we discuss how young people are involved in supporting other people in Ukraine and Moldova.

Do we need Radical Citizenship Education?

In this episode we discuss a radical approach to citizenship education, how it should be understood and implemented by young people and youth sector.

The limits of digital youth work

In this episode, we are discussing the limits of digital youth work.

Youth sector in 2022

In this episode, we are exploring what the year 2022 will look like in the youth sector in Europe and what initiatives are planned by the European Commission and the C...

A Thinking & Action Kit for the Future of Youth Work

In this episode, we are discussing our upcoming publication Thinking Together and Levelling Up: a thinking and action kit for the continuous development, improvement a...

Youth work policy goals

This episode is about youth work policy goals of the European Union and the Council of Europe. How similar and how different are they? How can they be reached by, for ...

Community impact of learning mobility projects

In this episode, we are discussing the impact of learning mobility projects on communities where they happen, by introducing a research paper on community impact indic...

© 2020 EU-CoE youth partnership